Engraving Harper's Weekly November 1879 Bonanza Mine Comstock Lode | COMSTOCK LANTERN ENGRAVING - This well-known photograph copyrighted by Virginia, NV photographers Noe and Lee in 1879 was printed as an engraving in the November 1879 issue of Harper's Weekly. The photograph was taken as the party of President and General U. S. Grant was leaving an underground visit of the Big Bonanza Mine. Each member of the party was carrying a Comstock lantern. The party included, L to R, J. W. Mackay (one of the four Silver Kings and honored by naming the Mackay School of Mines at the University of Nevada Reno), Mrs. M. G. Gillette, U. S. Grant Jr., Mrs. U. S. Grant, President U. S. Grant, S. Yanada, Mrs. J. G. Fair, Nevada Governor J. H. Kinkead, and Col. J. G. Fair (another of the four Silver Kings on the Comstock Lode). This visit occurred about two years after the peak silver production of the Comstock Lode. The Comstock Lode continues to be the richest U.S. silver deposit ever discovered. | Original Image |
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