These catalogues and brochures have been collected by myself and others over the years. Click on the image to open a Postscript Data File (PDF) Document or JPG images of that particular catalogue/brochure
Dewar Mfg. Co. Carbide Mine Lamps Brochure (compliments of Tony Moon)
Hendrie and Bolthoff Mfg. and Supply Co. General Catalogue No. 102 Hendrie and Bolthoff, Denver, CO, 1931 (Hal Post collection)
ITP Carbide Mine Lamp Brochure (compliments of Neil Tysver)
Justrite Miners Carbide Lamps Catalogue No. 4, 1923 (compliments of Dave Thorpe)
Pittsburgh Gage and Supply Company – Mill, Mine, Machinists and Railroad Encyclopedia of Supplies Catalogue No. 10 Pittsburgh Gage and Supply Company, Pittsburgh, PA, Catalog Publisher Russell – De Wolfe Co, Chicago, IL, ca. 1906 (Hal Post collection)
Pittsburgh Gage and Supply Company – Blue Book of Supplies Catalogue No. 12 Pittsburgh Gage and Supply Company, Pittsburgh, PA, Catalog Publisher O. W. Russell, Chicago, IL, 1913 (Hal Post collection)
The Baldwin Carbide Lamp for Metal Mines Brochure (compliments of Paul Kouts)
The Mine and Smelter Supply Company Catalog No. 24 The Mine and Smelter Supply Company, Denver, CO, 1912 (Hal Post collection)
The Pioneer Miner’s Carbide Cap Lamp Brochure (compliments of Neil Tysver)
Williams Hardware Company General Catalog for Mine, Mill, Factory Supplies and Automotive Equipment The Williams Hardware Company, Clarksburg, WV, 1922 (Hal Post collection)
1924 Keystone Catalog Mine Lighting
The Mining Catalog, Metal and Quarry Edition 1924 Issue, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co, Pittsburgh, PA(Hal Post collection)
1924 Keystone Catalog Mine Explosives and Drilling
The Mining Catalog, Metal and Quarry Edition 1924 Issue, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co, Pittsburgh, PA(Hal Post collection)
1926 Mine and Smelter Supply Catalog
Ore Dressing and Mining Equipment Catalog No. 72, The Mine and Smelter Supply Co, Denver, CO, 1926 (Hal Post collection)
1923 Keystone Coal Catalog Mine Lighting
The Mining Catalog, Coal Edition 1923 Issue, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co, Pittsburgh, PA (Hal Post collection)
1923 Keystone Coal Catalog Explosives
The Mining Catalog, Coal Edition 1923 Issue, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co, Pittsburgh, PA (Hal Post collection)
1913 Denver Fire Clay Catalog1913 Illustrated Catalogue of Assayers and Chemists Supplies, The Denver Fire Clay Company, Denver, CO (Hal Post collection)
1914 Funk Bros. CatalogFunk Bros. Mfg. Co. Miners Tools and Supplies, ca. 1914, Chicago Heights, IL (compliments of Herb Dick)
1915 Wells Catalogue
The Wells Light, A. C. Wells and Co, Manchester, England, October 1915 (Hal Post collection)
1899 John Taylor and Co. Assayer, Mine and Mill Supply Catalog
Seventh Edition Mining Catalog, Oct. 1899, John Taylor and Co, San Francisco, CA (compliments of the Univ. of California Library, Berkeley)
1937 Mine and Smelter Supply CatalogThe Mine and Smelter Supply Company Catalog No. 92, The Mine and Smelter Supply Company, Denver, CO, 1937 (Hal Post collection)
1920s Arizona Mining Supply Corp. CatalogArizona Mining Supply Corporation, Prescott, AZ, ca. 1920s (Hal Post collection)
1905 Hendrie and Bolthoff CatalogHendrie and Bolthoff Mfg. and Supply Co. General Catalogue, Hendrie and Bolthoff, Denver, CO, 1905 (compliments of the Western Museum of Mining Library, Colorado Springs, CO)
1901 Fairbanks Morse and Co CatalogueModern Mining Machinery and Supplies Catalogue No. 49, Fairbanks Morse and Company, Chicago, IL, 1901 (compliments of Tony Moon)
1902 Mine and Smelter Supply CatalogThe Mine and Smelter Supply Company Catalog No. 15, The Mine and Smelter Supply Company, Denver, CO, 1902 (compliments of Tony Moon)
1930 C. S. Card Mine Car CatalogMine Haulage and Handling Equipment Catalog No. 30, C. S. Card Iron Works Company, Denver, CO, 1930 (Hal Post collection)
Montana Hardware Co Mining Supplies CatalogMontana Hardware Company Mining Supplies Catalog No. 6, Montana Hardware Company, Butte, MT, 1925 (Hal Post collection)
1912 Mine and Smelter Supply General Catalog
Machinery and General Supplies for Mines, Mills and Smelters Catalog No. 22, The Mine and Smelter Supply Co, Denver, CO, 1912 (Hal Post collection; This is an interesting catalog for the transition of underground lighting with oilwicks, safety lamps, carbide lamps and a candlestick being offered)
1913 Morley Brothers Wholesale Hardware CatalogGeneral Hardware Catalog No. 10, Morley Brothers, Saginaw, MI, 1913 (Hal Post collection)
1905 George Anton Oil Wick Lamp CatalogueCatalogue of the Star, Globe and Eagle Miners’ and Drivers’ Lamps, George Anton & Bro., Monongahela City, PA, ca. 1905-06, reprinted by Bill Spence (Hal Post collection)
1908 Symons Crushers CatalogT. L. Smith Company, Milwaukee, WI, ca. 1908-10 (Hal Post collection; Symons crushers have been the standard in the mining industry for over 50 years. This very early catalog describes the first Symons products manufactured by the Smith and Post Company of Milwaukee, WI and marketed through the T. L. Smith Company. Thomas L. Smith and Paul W. Post incorporated their company in 1906. Their first product was a new crusher design patented by Edgar Symons and assigned to Smith and Post called the pillar shaft gyratory crusher. The T. L. Smith Co. sold the products through their many sales offices. In 1915 the Smith and Post Company was renamed the Smith Engineering Works which went on to become Telsmith, a market leader still in business today. Edgar Symons was a prolific inventor with at least 13 patents for crushers and ancillary equipment. The catalog is undated but product advertising references place the catalog ca. 1908-10.)
July 1917 Mining and Scientific PressMining and Scientific Press, Vol. 115 No. 2, T. A. Rickard, Editor, San Francisco, CA, July 14, 1917 (Hal Post collection)
August 1917 Mining and Scientific PressMining and Scientific Press, Vol. 115 No. 8, T. A. Rickard, Editor, San Francisco, CA, August 25, 1917 (Hal Post collection)
Jan 1924 Engineering & Mining Journal-PressEngineering & Mining Journal-Press, Vol. 117 No. 2, J. E. Spurr, Editor, San Francisco, CA, January 12, 1924 (Hal Post collection)
Feb 1924 Engineering & Mining Journal-PressEngineering & Mining Journal-Press, Vol. 117 No. 8, J. E. Spurr, Editor, San Francisco, CA, February 23, 1924 (Hal Post collection)
August 1917 Mining and Scientific PressMining and Scientific Press, Vol. 115 No. 8, T. A. Rickard, Editor, San Francisco, CA, August 25, 1917 (Hal Post collection)
1877 John Davis & Son CatalogueJohn Davis & Son Manufacturers Catalogue, All Saints Works, Derby, England, Printed by Waterlow & Sons, London, 1877 (compliments of Davis Derby; This is the earliest known catalogue of John Davis & Son, Derby. It contains surveying equipment, anemometers and safety lamps for use by the mining community. Each item is of historical significance to mining artifact and scientific instrument collectors and is a great piece of literature.)
1892 John Davis & Son CatalogueJohn Davis & Son Manufacturers Catalogue, All Saints Works, Derby, England, 1892 (compliments of Davis Derby)
1918 Pratt-Gilbert Company CataloguePratt-Gilbert Catalogue A-2, Phoenix, AZ, 1918 (Hal Post collection; This early catalogue from the well known mining equipment supplier offers several Pioneer cap lamps along with Truax ore cars.)
1909 The Calkins Company CatalogueThe Calkins Company Catalogue, Los Angeles, CA, ca. 1909 (Hal Post collection; This is the first catalogue issued by The Calkins Company of Los Angeles and the only one I’ve ever seen. The selection of assay balances offered is superb. More interestingly, a one-piece miners’ candlestick is offered for $0.50, a Lindahl candlestick is offered for $1.00 and a folding miners’ candlestick is priced at $0.75. Sure would like to order several of those folding sticks.)
1929 California Hardware Company CatalogCalifornia Hardware Company General Wholesale Catalogue No. 8, Los Angeles, CA, printed December 10, 1929 (Hal Post collection)
1928 Mine and Smelter Supply CatalogueThe Mine and Smelter Supply Company Catalogue No. 74, The Mine and Smelter Supply Company, Denver, CO, published 1929 (compliments of a gracious gift from Roger and Jane Becksted)
1895 Dunham, Carrigan and Hayden Company CatalogueDunham, Carrigan and Hayden Company Catalogue No. 4, San Francisco, CA 1895 (Hal Post collection; This very early catalogue from the well known hardware company on Beale Street in San Francisco offered the Improved California Pattern of the Sholder patent candlestick in plain, Japanned, and nickel plated options and Leonard oil wick lamps in both single and double spouts. Additionally, they offered a couple neat fuse cutter and cap crimper models. Leo Stambaugh notes that this is the only ad he’s ever seen for the very elusive Samuel Poole patent fuse tool [patent No. 287,159 awarded Oct. 23, 1883]. The tool and gun sections of this monster catalogue are fabulous.)
1921 The Keystone Mining Catalogue (Metal-Quarry Edition)The Mining Catalogue, Metal-Quarry Edition, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA, 1921 First Issue (compliments of a gracious gift from Roger and Jane Becksted)
1926 The Keystone Mining Catalogue (Metal-Quarry Edition)The Mining Catalogue, Metal-Quarry Edition, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA, 1926 Sixth Issue (compliments of a gracious gift from Roger and Jane Becksted)
1922 Marshall Wells Company CatalogueComplete General Catalogue, Marshall Wells Co., Duluth, MN, 1922 (Hal Post collection; The Marshall Wells Co. at one time was the largest hardware chain in the US. This catalogue offers a fairly complete selection of Justrite carbide lamps for the mining community including half shift with stick, Acme, Victor, Uncle Sam, Little Giant and a mine car tail light with a red lens to name a few.)
1900 Coal Miners PocketbookThe Coal and Metal Miners’ Pocketbook, Sixth Edition, The Colliery Engineer Company, Scranton, PA, 1900 (Hal Post collection; Interesting ad from the American Safety Lamp and Mine Supply Co. claiming they are the largest manufacturer of safety lamps in America.)
1915 Colliery EngineerThe Colliery Engineer (formerly Mines and Minerals), Scranton, PA, July 1915 (Hal Post collection; Ads by Ackroyd & Best safety lamps, Baldwin lightning bug lamps, Justrite carbide lamps and Hughes Bros. family of safety lamps.)
1874 Engineering and Mining JournalThe Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 18, Scientific Publishing Co., New York, NY, July to December 1874 (Hal Post collection; Ads by James W. Queen & Co., Heller & Brightly and the Ingersoll Rock Drill Co.)
1914 Engineering and Mining JournalThe Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 97, Hill Publishing Co., New York, NY, January 1914 (Hal Post collection; Ads by Baldwin lamps from John Simmons Co. and Salt Lake Hardware Co.)
1901 Mines and MineralsMines and Minerals, Vol. 21, The Colliery Engineer Co., Scranton, PA, July 1901 (Hal Post collection; This edition has some great ads and super graphics featuring James Macbeth Co. pull-up blasters; Metallic Cap Manufacturing Co. Gold and Silver Medal blasting caps; George Anton, Leonard and American Safety Lamp and Mine Supply Co. oil wick lamps; Hughes Bros., Everhart Brass Works and Wolf’s miner’s safety lamps when Wolf was still sold through the Fidelity International Agency; John Davis & Son mining instruments; and a really neat ad from the F. W. Braun & Co. for crushers and pulverizers among many others.)
1907 Mines and MiningMines and Mining, Vol. 14, Denver, CO, July 1907 and January 1908 (Hal Post collection; This weekly has the only ad I’ve ever seen for the elusive and desirable Kelly candlestick priced at $1.50 direct from the inventor and manufacturer B. F. Kelly, Salt Lake City, Utah. For those of you familiar with Durango, Colorado, this weekly also has an ad for the historic landmark Strater hotel. The Kelly ad is super neat.)
1905 Mining ReporterMining Reporter, Vol. 52, The Industrial Printing and Publishing Co., Denver, CO, December 1905 (Hal Post collection; This weekly has ads for the Denver Balance Company, Ainsworth & Sons transits and Aetna dynamite among others.)
1908 Mining ScienceMining Science, Vol. 58, Denver, CO, December 1908 (Hal Post collection; This weekly has ads for Hug and Pelton water wheels among others.)
1919 Baker Hamilton & Pacific Company General Hardware CatalogueComplete General Hardware Catalogue No. 1, Baker Hamilton & Pacific Co., San Francisco, CA, ca.1919 (Hal Post collection gift compliments of Neil Tysver; Baker & Hamilton started business on Mormon Island in 1849 during the California Gold Rush. Operating out of a tent for the first year, the firm later moved to Sacramento in 1850. In 1867 the business started a branch office in San Francisco selling general hardware. Pacific Hardware & Steel Co. also had its beginnings during the gold rush era. In 1918 the two companies merged to form Baker Hamilton & Pacific Co. and moved their offices to 7th Street in San Francisco. This is Catalog No. 1 issued after the two companies merged. The catalogue is 6728 pages and 3 1/2 inches thick and contains a fabulous assortment of all things hardware. The scanned pages deal with mining items.)
1898 Hendrie & Bolthoff Manufacturing Co. Catalogue No. 6Catalogue No. 6 of Mining and Mill Machinery and Railway Supplies, Hendrie & Bolthoff Manufacturing Co., Denver, CO, 1898 (Hal Post collection; This catalogue is 351 pages on heavy stock glossy paper with fabulous artwork on the equipment schematics and figures. I’ve scanned several pages of heavy iron including stamp mills, ore crushers, ore concentrators, engine hoists, ore cars, mining cage, smelting furnace, mining supplies and a really neat figure of the Reynolds Safety Horse-Power Hoisting Whim. The heavy equipment provides a very complete picture of mining hardware at the beginning of the 20th century. Enjoy!)
1915 The Keystone Coal Field Directory and Mining CatalogueThe Coal Field Directory and Mining Catalogues of Coal Mining Equipment, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA, 1915 Second Issue (Hal Post collection; This is the second issue of the Keystone Coal Catalogue and includes some neat ads for the Fort Pitt, Austin and Burton Powder Companies along with Milburn, Hughes Brothers and John Simmons Companies carbide lamps. I also included a scan of a fabulous coal tar tree that shows compounds on each branch that are derived by distillation and further chemical treatment of coal tar products. Expand the size and enjoy! Perhaps the most interesting content is a complete Directory of Coal Mines in the United States as of 1915.)
1907 The Coal Field DirectoryThe Coal Field Directory, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA, 1907 Fifth Issue (Hal Post collection; This is the fifth issue of the Coal Field Directory and includes a really neat color ad for the Everhart Brass Works of Scranton, PA, an early American maker of safety lamps highly sought by collectors. The Coal Field Directory is a comprehensive 448-page detailed listing of all the coal companies in the US and Canada and is the predecessor to the better-known Keystone Mining Catalog. This issue is too early for any carbide lamp manufacturers’ advertising but, interestingly, it only contains one manufacturing ad (Martin Hardsocg Co.) for oil wick lamps.)
1919 Mine and Smelter Supply CatalogueThe Mine and Smelter Supply Company Catalogue No. 52 General Supplies for Mines, Mills, and Smelters, The Mine and Smelter Supply Company, Denver, CO, published Dec. 1, 1919 (Hal Post collection; This 1919 mining supplies catalogue offered Atlas blasting supplies, Hardsocg drills, Granite mining candles, Justrite and ITP carbide lamps, Wolf safety lamp and a lone candlestick.)
1918 Mining CatalogThe 1918 Mining Catalog, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA,, 1918 Fifth Annual Issue (Hal Post collection; This is the fifth annual issue of the Mining Catalog and is 877 pages long. Interestingly, the publisher notes that since the first annual issue in 1914, the Mining Catalogue has grown at the rate of 100 pages per year. This issue features ads for the King Powder Company and the Harker Manufacturing Company’s American Bull Dog carbide lamps along with lamp ads for Justrite, Hughes Bros., Grier Bros. and John Simmons Company and explosives ads for Aetna Explosives Company, Austin Powder Company, Atlas Powder Company, DuPont, Equitable Powder Mfg. Company, Grasselli Powder Company, Hercules Powder Company, and the G. R. McAbee Powder and Oil Company.)
1918 Brilliant Search Light Mfg. Co. Catalog and Price ListCatalog of the Brilliant Search-Lite Mfg. Co., Brilliant Search-Light Mfg. Co., Duluth, MN, October 15, 1918 (Hal Post collection compliments of Neil Tysver; This catalog with price list was published while the company was still headquartered in Duluth and included other useful items besides the lamp which the company supplied. The Brilliant Search Light was the first belt generator lamp used underground with ads as early as 1903. Check out the poem written by the lamp inventor on the last page. It’s the first poem I’ve seen written about a mining lamp.)
Brilliant Search Light Mfg. Co. Catalog ca. 1920sCatalog of the Brilliant Search-Lite Mfg. Co., Brilliant Search-Light Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL, undated but after 1918 (Hal Post collection compliments of Neil Tysver; This catalog was published after the company had moved from Duluth to Chicago.)
1910 Queen City Supply Company CatalogueCatalogue of the Queen City Supply Company, Cincinnati, OH, 1910 (Hal Post collection)
1924 Hendrie & Bolthoff Company CatalogueCatalogue of the Hendrie & Bolthoff Company, Denver, CO, 1924 (Hal Post collection)